The event of department of Japanese---Kyogen performance show that students are waiting for

It’s the first, and also the last event in 2020.
There is only a little time left for this year. The Department of Japanese always holds various events every year. There were many indispensable events for international students, such as welcome parties for new students, field trip, bowling game, school festivals, lunar new year party(rice cake making), and so on.
However, almost all events have been canceled in this year due to COVID-19. When we were wondering if there was anything we could do for students, Kobe Denshi and other schools planned to hold the “Kyogen Performance show” jointly!!
About Kyogen Performance show
Kyōgen (狂言, “mad words” or “wild speech”) is a form of traditional Japanese comic theater. It developed alongside Noh, was performed along with Noh as an intermission of sorts between Noh acts on the same stage, and retains close links to Noh in the modern day; therefore, it is sometimes designated Noh-kyōgen. Its contents are nevertheless not at all similar to the formal, symbolic, and solemn Noh theater; kyōgen is a comic form, and its primary goal is to make its audience laugh.
Kyōgen plays are invariably brief – often about 10 minutes, as traditionally performed between acts of Noh – and often contain only two or three roles, which are often stock characters. Notable ones include Tarō kaja (太郎冠者, main servant, literally “firstborn son + servant”), Jirō kaja (次郎冠者, second servant, literally “second son + servant”), and the master (主人, shujin).
Kyogen performance show is a Japanese cultural experience event. It is a valuable event where you can experience Japanese culture as well as appreciate it, where you can actually experience musical instruments, costumes, and actions.
This event is always held in June every year. It had to be delayed due to COVID-19. However, with collaboration of all institutions, Kyogen performance show for student was held in November of this year.
The day of kyogen performance show
The infection prevention measures:
We allowed students to enter the event venue after measuring temperature and hand disinfection.
Seats were spaced apart, venue doors were open, eating and drinking and chatting were prohibited!
Non Mask Experience
In the costume experience, firstly, students wore a Noh mask and learn a little movement while fluttering legs.
Student impressions: it’s a little scared because I could not see the front.
Noh costume experience
Two staffs helped students to wear the clothes of Kyogen performance.
Student impressions: it’s very hard to walk because the clothes was too heavy.
It’s a valuable experience for international students that they can’t quite do.
Kyogen performance show
After kinds of experience, students watched 「KAKIYAMABUSHI」.
There are a lot of old Japanese words, but everyone seriously listens to what they were talking about.
Although all students took the mask, I can feel their laughing and being surprised.
Life has changed completely due to the COVID-19, however, let’s do our best to welcome the new year!