【Web Seminar Notice】10.23 Saturday, What is the difference between job hunting and contests? ~Expectations and possibilities for student works~

The guests, CG production presidents and jurors of student CG contest by CG-ARTS, will talk about what is the point for looking at students’ works from the two directions of job hunting and contest, and also share the experience.
Masterpiece of Polygon Pictures Inc.
『シドニアの騎士 あいつむぐほし』
© 弐瓶勉・講談社/東亜重工重力祭運営局
© 桑原太矩・講談社/空挺ドラゴンズ製作委員会
Masterpiece of Sublimation Inc.
© シキザクラ 製作委員会
The partner company for seminar
The speaker:
CEO Mr. Shuzo SHIODA, Polygon Pictures Inc.
CEO Mr. Shinya SUGAI, Sublimation Inc.
Takako SHINOHARA, Division Director of Education Department in CG-ARTS
Date & Time: 14:15 pm, Saturday, October 23, 2021 (Japanese Time)
Style of Seminar: Conducted over the internet (Zoom); and offline event
*the speakers will come to Kobe Denshi, so you can join the event or watch the live.
Language in Seminar: Conducted in Japanese (No interpretation)
The seminar of Kobe Denshi and companies
IT, Robot industry, Game software, Animation, 3DCG, Graphic design, Sound design, Voice acting, Industrial design, Architecture, Interior design are the fields you can learn at Kobe Denshi. Kobe Denshi will invite the creators, programmers, or the staffs in charge of personnel from those fields to talk about what the real work like. This is one of features of career supports the Kobe Denshi provides. Students can understand the industries in which they want to get a job.
Application of Seminar
Telephone: 0120-449-467 (Japanese time: weekday 9:00~17:00)
Official Homepage: https://www.kobedenshi.ac.jp/taiken/report/
Line: the official account of Kobe Denshi https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40qub6712u
※People who are not prospective students of Kobe Denshi also can apply for the seminar. However, there a limit to number of viewers, so please apply for the seminar early.
So, it’s a really good chance for overseas students who are interested. You also can apply the online seminars. Please keep following the official information of Kobe Denshi!!!