About KOBE---"Global Rainbow @ KOBE 2020" using a high power laser was held.

The Kobe Tourism Bureau and the Kobe City Port Authority held “Global Rainbow @ KOBE 2020” using a high-power laser from December 4th to December 13th.
Because of COVID-19, avoiding the “Three Cs” (Closed spaces with poor ventilation; Crowded places with many people nearby; Close-contact setting such as close-range conversations), It is a wide-area art work under the basic conditions of “wide area” and “long time” “outdoors”.
This work was made by artist Yvette Maturn, who is based in New York / Berlin. The 7-color laser liking rainbow was irradiated from the port of Kobe toward the Rokko Mountains, and we can enjoy the laser in a range of about 300m east to west. The irradiation time was from sunset to 21:00 during the period.
Once again, I felt the charm of Kobe that is said “There are mountains and the sea.”
Actually, the best place to enjoy “Global Rainbow @ KOBE 2020” was in front of “BE KOBE” in Kobe’s scenic spot Kobe Port. A rainbow-like a huge oil painting unfolded in front of you in the sky, and it was a scene that healed the anxiety and stress of the COVID-19.
About 「BE KOBE」
BE KOBE is a message born from the passionate desire of the citizens to “do their best for people” in 2015, the 20th year since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake that occurred in 1995.
Kobe city was severely damaged by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. The citizens of Kobe have come together to overcome the hardships for the reconstruction after the earthquake. As the port city, KOBE is advanced and open, and rich in creativity and internationality. 「BE KOBE」 expresses “the feeling of pride that the citizens are Kobe citizens.”
震災から20年。この歳月の中で、ひとつ、はっきりしたことがあります。それは、神戸のさまざまな魅力の中で、一番の魅力は人であるということ。この街には、街の復興のためにチカラを尽くす人々がいます。困っている人に対して、当然のように手を差し伸べる人々がいまだに数え切れないほどいます。人は、どれほどの困難に出会っても、それでも前を向き、心を合わせて生きていく、大きなチカラを持っている。そのことを教えてくれた20年を、私たちは大切にしたいと思います。それぞれの心の中で育まれてきた、それぞれの「神戸」。「BE KOBE」は、ひとりひとりにそれを語ってもらい、みんなで共有し、歩みを進めるための取り組みです。あなたも、あなたの中の神戸といまいちど向き合ってください。」
――――from Kobe Goverment
Our lives has been a big change with the sudden outbreak of COVID- 19 epidemic in 2020.
In just one week, 2020 will end and 2021 will come.
While feeling the 「BE KOBE」, Let’s overcome the current difficulties together and welcome 2021 with confident!
We look forward to enjoying the beautiful rainbow over the sky with you in 2021!