【Web Seminar Notice】For programmer of game by SUCCESS!
At Saturday, May 22, the famous game company: SUCCESS will held the seminar for students who want to become the game-programmer.
『楽園生活 ひつじ村 大地の恵みと冒険の海』
『海腹川背 Fresh!』
Company:SUCCESS Corporation(日文名称:株式会社サクセス)
Speaker:SUCCESS Corporation
Director, Game-program Department, Production Ⅲ Division
Date & Time: 13:30 pm, Saturday, May 22, 2021 (Japanese Time)
Style of Seminar: Conducted over the internet (Zoom)
Language in Seminar: Conducted in Japanese (No interpretation)
The title: sharing the story about game-making; introducing the image of human resources required by SUCCESS for students who want to become game programmers.
The company:
The SUCCESS was founded in 1978, is a Japanese video game and online game developer and publisher. The SUCCESS has released over 1500 titles to the world, and they are best known for their <Cotton> series of shooter games, <Zoo Keeper> and others.
The seminar of Kobe Denshi and companies
IT, Robot industry, Game software, Animation, 3DCG, Graphic design, Sound design, Voice acting, Industrial design, Architecture, Interior design are the fields you can learn at Kobe Denshi. Kobe Denshi will invite the creators, programmers, or the staffs in charge of personnel from those fields to talk about what the real work like. This is one of features of career supports the Kobe Denshi provides. Students can understand the industries in which they want to get a job.
Application of Seminar
Telephone: 0120-449-467 (Japanese time: weekday 9:00~17:00)
Official Homepage: https://www.kobedenshi.ac.jp/taiken/report/
Line: the official account of Kobe Denshi https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40qub6712u
※People who are not prospective students of Kobe Denshi also can apply for the seminar. However, there a limit to number of viewers, so please apply for the seminar early.