【Online Seminar Event】Friday, 23th October, 2020, 6 PM SOLA DIGITAL ARTS will hold the seminar about 3DCG!

Kobe Denshi will invite the famous CG company, SOLA DIGITAL ARTS, to hold a seminar about 3DCG.
Date & Time: 6 PM, Friday, October 23, 2020
Type of Seminar: Conducted over the internet (Zoom)
Language of Seminar: Conducted in Japanese (No interpretation)
Speaker: Tomisaburou HASHIMOTO, the COO/Producer of SOLA DIGITAL ARTS
Theme: CG skills of SOLA DIGITAL ARTS
Application: https://www.kobedenshi.ac.jp/taiken/report/
The staff will send you the URL of Zoom for the seminar by the email after you complete the application of seminar.
SOLA DIGITAL ARTS is one of famous CG companies in Japan. This company made animations with full 3DCG such as Ghost In The Shell SAC_2045, ULTARAMAN , Starship Troopers, etc.
The seminar of Kobe Denshi and companies
IT, Robot industry, Game software, Animation, 3DCG, Graphic design, Sound design, Voice acting, Industrial design, Architecture, Interior design are the fields you can learn at Kobe Denshi. Kobe Denshi will invite the creators, programmers, or the staffs in charge of personnel from those fields to talk about what the real work like. This is one of features of career supports the Kobe Denshi provides. Students can understand the industries in which they want to get a job.
Application of Seminar
Telephone: 0120-449-467 (Japanese time: weekday 9:00~17:00)
Official Homepage: https://www.kobedenshi.ac.jp/taiken/report/
Line: the official account of Kobe Denshi https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40qub6712u
※People who are not prospective students of Kobe Denshi also can apply for the seminar. However, there a limit to number of viewers, so please apply for the seminar early.
The seminars always are hold with the way that companies come to Kobe Denshi (offline style). However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 in this year, Kobe Denshi and companies also actively adjust the form of seminars with online, the combination of online and offline, offline that company comes to our school, so that companies and students can keep communicating as usual.